Quishaun Turner
"lil man"
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My mommy loves spending her days and nights with me. She used to be a hair dresser , before I was born. Now she is a full-time mommy and is very happy. She loves taking me to the park. She also likes taking me on hikes with our dog Paco. When I am sleeping, she enjoys writing and one day may publish a novel. Although, often when I am sleeping, she is sleeping right beside me!

Mommy grew up in Oakland. Her mommy and daddy are grandma and grandpa Claiborne. When she was a little girl, she loved riding horses and playing chess. When mommy graduated high school, she went to Peralta University on a debating scholarship. As soon as she started college, she knew she wanted to become a hairdresser. Mommy graduated Merritt high school in 2004, and passed the exit exam on her second try (that's pretty good!). She soon joined the firm of Hard Knocks and Hayward firm. It was there that mommy met Daddy. He worked in the same building, and they met after bumping into each other in the hallway (Literally). Mommy knew right away that he was "The one". They were married in the summer of 2007.

Mommy plans on returning to her career once I enter the first grade. Until then, she says she wants to experience every milestone with me.


My Daddy is the best! He loves bouncing me up and down, and twirling me around. He also likes to sing to me while he plays his drums. My daddy works very hard. He is sad when he leaves for work in the morning. When he is not helping people take care of their money, he likes to play music and go jet skiing. He plans on taking me on my first jet skiing trip soon.

Daddy was born in Fremont and grew up in San Francisco. When he was a little boy he liked flying kites and going to the beach. When he was in high school, daddy played on the school football team. They went to the city championships twice.

Daddy went to San Lorenzo High & Hard Knocks University, where he majored in business. He is planning on starting his own business in the near future. Go daddy!

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